Friday, February 17, 2012

Valentine's Day, The Outback, and moving to Ikebukuro!!

It is still bitterly cold here, but things have brightened up because I am moving next month! I am really tired of living out in the suburbs and having to ride the train in 20 minutes every time I want to go to the city, so I am moving into the city...finally!
Luckily, I found a place that is a lot cheaper than my apartment now, and it is close to everything. I will be moving in on March 10th.

As you can tell, I recently went to the Outback Steakhouse, a place that I have not been in a long time. It was so much food that I thought I was gonna die trying to finish it. Not nearly as good as in America, except for the blooming onion, but it's just as expensive!