Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Last Days of School and Random Wanderings

So, it has been 5 months since my last post and I think it is mostly because I had no more to say about life in Japan.  I was no longer "lost in translation", as the blog title suggests and I have also just been busy with work and life.  But now that my Japan days are coming to an end, the time here is fleeting by and I think it is necessary to capture some of the moments of my last days and also to share them.  My last days at school were both a relief and quite sad.  Some of the students I had to say goodbye to were kids that I had taught for two years.  I don't like teaching English and kids drive me insane, but there is something to be said about time spent together, whether it is always enjoyable or not.  Plus, you can't deny the ridiculous cuteness of (most) of the kids.  

Well, I am now officially unemployed for the first time in 4 years and it is scary!  But it is also exciting. The same kind of exciting that I experienced three years ago when I was moving to Japan out of the blue and for pretty much no reason, other than I was ready for an adventure.  Now that my adventure is complete, I honestly can say that I wouldn't change anything or take anything back.  I have no regrets.  I have met some of the most incredible friends here and had some of the most life changing experiences--and now I am ready to embark on a new adventure, and a new chapter of my life.  As usual, I am going to a place I have never been and hoping to get lost in an exciting adventure, only to find myself again and be better for it.  But until I step on that plane out of Japan, I am going to embrace life here and enjoy my final days in this place I have grown to love and this place I have called home for the past 3 years: