Sanbongi, a town that is a short distance from me is famous for it's field of sunflowers. It is the second biggest field of sunflowers in all of Japan. There are 460,000 sunflowers every year from July to the end of August. I went to see these sunflowers a few days ago, but I was sad to find that the entire field of sunflowers had died already.
But on the bright side, I have finally discovered a fully functional gym that exists in the town of Furukawa (the main town in Osaki City, where I live). It isn't too far away and it is cheap, so I will definitely be going there often. I have been getting tired of exercising at home, so it will be a good change. Not only is it a gym, but it has what is pretty much a waterpark inside, complete with a lap pool, a hot tub, a pool with a large slide, and a sauna.
New Sushi restaurant that is opening soon: Hamazushi!
Japan has lots of large bugs, insects, and especially spiders. There are mountain flies near the onsen, and when they sting you, the affected skin swells up into a welt. I have been fortunate enough not to be stung by one so far.
Im jealous YOU got to see sunflowers in Japan of all places and I didnt get to see sunflowers in the sunflower capital of the world, KANSAS! ahhhh